More than 31 percent of women in the United States have been physically abused by an intimate partner at some point in their lives, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Hearing that statistic breaks my heart. I imagine all of the women who are experiencing this right now. Some of them are mothers, doing all they can for their children while enduring abuse.
For the past 5 years, I have had this desire to do more with my business. I have wanted to do something GOOD and make a positive impact through my talents and resources. Being a photographer has been a healing experience for me. It has given me a purpose and has brought me to the BEST people who have truly made me a better human. I want to provide that for others and give my clients an opportunity to help others as well.
Which is why I have decided to donate a percentage of all of my earnings to the Northwest Arkansas Womens Shelter. As a survivor of abuse, I want to give my small part in providing healing for those who are enduring the unimaginable.
As a client of mine, whether you are hiring me for your wedding, family portraits, or education: you will not only be supporting my dream but you will be giving someone else a chance at reaching their dreams.
When you pay me for your wedding or photo session, a percentage of your total will go to supporting women and children during their journey of escaping abuse and healing. How amazing is that?!
Your small contribution will make a BIG difference.
Frequently Asked Questions
What percentage of my wedding/session will go towards The Northwest Arkansas Womens Shelter?
3% of your wedding or photo session.
Will you show us proof of your donation?
Yes! Each month after I make a donation, you will receive an email informing you of your donation!
How is the donation given to the NWAWS?
I will pay the NAWS directly each month through their donation page. Your donation may also be used towards purchasing items that they may need at the time.
Want to learn more about The Northwest Arkansas Womens Shelter?
Head over to their website to read all about how they are helping aid women and children in abusive situations
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